The gorgeous mountains! There were like NO evergreens so in the fall, everything changes color!

View of the Charlotte buildings from the first night there. We stayed in the suite at the Omni Hotel!

We ate at a delicious restaurant called The Vida, located in the heart of Charlotte. I definitely recommend it! The food we all had was delicious and they have an amazing skinny margarita for only 100 cals. Beyond that, it was a lot of fun exploring what is around there, especially The Noda.

The next day was the wedding. We drove all the way from Charlotte to Beech Mountain.

Look at these colors!!

View from inside Dorothy's house at the Wizard of Oz Resort at Emerald Mountain, where the Ceremony took place.

We did a tour of the house, and there was a mimic of what the house would look like if a tornado had caught it! It was cute.

Cool artifacts throughout the home.

More gorgeous views:

More color!

And THE BEST PART!!!!!! There was a REAL yellow brick road!! And if you followed it, it went through almost every important scene in the movie. They even had trees with faces on them!

Photo of the faces from my phone:

And the most important part of being there, the newlyweds..

It was definitely amazing! I hope to do many destination weddings in the future!!